President Nana Akufo-Addo has directed Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) to remove all structures built on waterways with immediate effect to ensure the free flow of water.

He’s also charged MMDCEs to sanction officials at the various assemblies who issue permits to developers who put up structures on waterways to serve as a deterrent to others who seek to engage in such acts.

In order to ensure this directive is carried out, a monitoring unit has been set up at the Jubilee House to report directly to the president on its adherence or otherwise.

“…and that is putting all MMDCEs on notice that you’ll be held accountable for any breaches that result in damage from flooding. As President of the republic I will not allow the selfish interest of the few to jeopardize the collective futures of the rest of us,” the President said.

President Nana Akufo Addo gave this directive at the commissioning of dredging machines acquired by Dredge Masters a subsidiary of the Jospong Group.

The machines are coming at a time when the nation’s capital is reeling under the ravages of perennial floods which have caused havoc in several communities.

They will be deployed to continue with the dredging of the Odaw River which has become a headache due to the huge waste found in it.
