TVET has proven to be the key to skill development. With its feature focused on specific occupations, it has allowed individuals to find skill-related jobs or start their own businesses.

TVET stands as a major player in the economic growth of a nation through the development of a workforce and a rise in the employment rate.

The government of Ghana has prioritized TVET as a tool to solve youth unemployment. To ensure that more people benefitted from skills training, the 2022/2023 academic year increased the number of TVET schools on the free SHS programme from 47 to 138 with over 45,000 students being enrolled through the Computerized School Selection Placement System.

In addition, the government has properly equipped TVET schools and all ten technical universities to provide learners with the requisite modern skills needed to make a living.

Speaking at a program to mark National Service Personnel Association (Week) Celebration at the St. Luke Catholic Church at Akrofuom, the Member of Parliament for Akrofuom Hon Alex Blankson threw his weight behind the vision of government to invest in TVET. He pledged to support students who pursue Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the District.

“My office and the DCE have resolved to support students who want to pursue TVET in this District/Constituency at the SHS level. So, we encourage the youth to develop interest in TVET because we believe that Akrofuom needs more TVET professionals and it is the future of this country “.

The theme for the NASPA Week Celebration was *Expanding NASPA Horizons in the World for the World. The program was particularly dedicated to the final year students of Akrofuom Basic Schools*

As done previously, Hon Blankson promised BECE candidates who will be writing their examinations this year that, he will supply free mathematical set to aid preparations for the exams.

Hon Alex Blankson since becoming the Member of Parliament for the area in 2017 has made educational development his topmost priority. Not long ago, he presented office equipment to the Akrofuom District Education Directorate to enable them to function effectively.

He has recently introduced a BECE mock system known as super mock exams which will serve as a preparatory test for the candidates, for the BECE exams.

Present at the program were the DCE for Adansi Akrofuom District Mr. Maurice Jonas Woode, Akrofuom District Director of Education Mr. George Sarfo Kantanka, among other dignitaries.