Access Bank Plc is on an aggressive drive to level the barriers to financial inclusion as it embarks on a number of market activations to enhance penetration of its Access Closa Agency Banking outlets in the Ashanti Region.

Access Closa, which is run under the banks Agency Banking Unit, targets the unbanked and underbanked population while creating jobs and increased earnings of as much as GHc10,000 in commissions for agents.

The bank’s activation which came off at Kejetia in the Central Business District of the regional capital Kumasi was to create more awareness about the wide gamut of services that customers could conveniently access from their nearest Access Closa agent.

The widely patronized outdoor exhibition also sought to increase the fast paced growth of Access Closa agents numbering some 300 in the Ashanti region and 2000 across the country.

Head of agency banking with Access Bank Hetty Mercer outlined that customers no longer had to travel outside their immediate vicinities to access counter services in banking halls as agents were empowered to provide such services.

Detailing services offered, she enumerated, “You can open an account, pay for services, pay utilities, pay your bills, buy insurance, transfer money, make payment for goods purchased, send and receive international remittances, request GHlink and VISA cards, link accounts to bank wallet, make deposits and other related services at any agency outlet.

So clearly, we are bringing all the counter services to your door step through our agents.

Inviting more agents to come on board, Hetty Mercer pointed out that all applicants needed were their certified business registration documents and a compatible phone to commence operations after a rigorous profiling of a prospective agent.

She told reporter Ivan Heathcote – Fumador, “If you see any Access Closa Agent branded shop, branded Merchant or branded MOMO agent; he or she is a certified agent, trained and profiled to run transactions on behalf of the bank.”

Hetty Mercer however cautioned that while the bank’s full vanguard of security measures remains robust,, clients should ensure that they received an e-receipt on their phones after any transaction, for verification purposes.

“Access Closa has a very robust platform and the full weight of our security portfolio for all our channels. This gives you a lot of comfort anytime you transact at the agent points. The good thing is that for every transaction you receive an e-receipt and that is surety for the transaction that was performed, She assured.

Speaking to Ultimate News, an Access Closa agent and director for Eric Adusei Enterprise in Adum – Pampaso encouraged clients to be confident working with them arguing they would benefit from proximity, convenience and a competitive turnaround time for transactions.

“Unlike the banking hall, our services are so fast; in less than five minute you should be done with your transaction. In addition you will not be charged a dime for deposits and withdrawals,” Mr. Eric Adusei encouraged.

The two day activation which came off on the Nkrumah Memorial Day Holiday 21st September and 22nd September had the hook, “Asanteman, se sei de3, y3 wo mo nkyen p3333 to wit, we are now closer to you right where you are.

By: Ivan Heathcote – Fumador