Former Member of Parliament for Ketu South, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey has won the General Secretary slot of the main opposition NDC.

Fifi Kwetey, who once occupied the position of the NDC’s Propaganda Secretary won by a landslide victory.

Confirming his victory in a Facebook post, the former Deputy Finance Minister in the Mahama administration, disclosed one of his contenders had called to congratulate him.

“My Brother and Comrade Boamah Otokunor called me a few minutes ago to congratulate me. Very gracious of him. I had earlier told him yesterday that I was proud of his competitive campaigning and I repeated same this morning. I reassured him of my complete readiness to work closely with him to make our party greater and stronger,” Fifi Kwetey wrote on his Facebook page.

Fifi Kwetey is set to replace Johnson Asiedu Nketiah who bowed out as the NDC’s General Secretary after serving in that position for almost two decades.

Source: Ghana/ Fm