When your best friend is a NATO guy who barely does what he promises, you are most likely to perceive anyone who makes a promise to be like him. That is the pathetic case of a blinkered selfish leader who rarely sees beyond his nose. Indeed, big things are not meant for small minds. Obviously, the Greater Accra Regional Chairman is narrow-minded and lacks vision.
Mr. Alan Kyerematen, the man who is known to do big things, has put his impeccable credibility and integrity on the line to deliver something historic for the benefit of the grassroots executives of our party and some clueless selfish regional chairman says what! So, left to the likes of Divine Otoo Agorhorm alone, the grassroots executives should be left to continue wallowing in their sordid state of hopelessness while they continue to get the big contracts and favors.
Over the years, some of our party executives, particularly the polling station executives, have been used as hewers of wood and drawers of water for the preparation of sumptuous meal which only ended up at the tables of a few privileged ones. So, if someone has a vision that could potentially transform the economic fortunes of our grassroots executives, why should any right-thinking person try to put a damper on such vision.
Alan Kyerematen, in all his conversation about his vision to modernize the NPP, has never said he would use proceeds from contracts to finance the vision, so why should Divine Otoo Agorhorm be afraid that under Alan’s leadership, the likes of him would be starved of contracts.
The man who made the biggest positive thing that has ever happened to Africa possible, Africa Continental Free Trade Area, has publicly said he would reintroduce and expand the Constituency Business Ventures (CBV) concept that he once initiated in all constituencies across the country some years back, to support the constituencies to have the financial wherewithal to pay party workers at the grassroots.
In actual fact, what Mr. Alan Kyerematen has proposed or promised to do, isn’t a novelty in the continental of Africa. This is something that is being done elsewhere by political parties, so it is doable. Mr. blinkered Regional Chairman, I urge you to go to South Africa for instance, and see how the ruling party owns and runs huge businesses to finance their political budget. Once again, big things aren’t meant for small minds.
The same Agorhorm, on the 23rd February, 2023, when he met the Nasara wing of Greater Accra at GIMPA, is on tape to have told those at the workshop to campaign for the Vice President as their Muslim brother and that the wife of the Vice President, Samira, would mesmerize Ghanaian men with her beauty to vote for her husband if he becomes a flag-bearer.
He thought such an insulting sexist thing was ok for a Muslim woman and possible, but doesn’t think coming up with innovative ways to economically empower the grassroots of the party isn’t possible. Such mentality of a leader! No wonder the party’s parliamentary seats in Greater Accra decreased from 21 to 14 under his leadership.
It’s unfortunate that we have too many loose cannons as leaders leading our party!
Yours truly,
*Citizen Attoh Quarshie*
*(The James Town Patriot)*
NB. Views expressed by the writer are solely his and do not in anyway represent the position of Kasapafmonline.com