The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has announced an operation “operation over 1.5 million votes in Ashanti region” as Asawase Constituency during the party’s Unity Walk in the constituency on Sunday June 4th, 2023.

The walk Organized by incumbent Asawase Member of Parliament (MP) was graced by former Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu MP Tamale South, Alhassan Suhuyini MP Tamale North, Mohammed Muntala Ibrahim MP Tamale Central, Abdul Rashid MP Wanch constituency, Francis Xavier Sosu, MP Madina constituency, Nii Lantey, MP Odododiodo constituency, Abdul Salam Adams and Ashanti regional chairman Augustus Nana Kwasi and other regional executives of the party.

The walk with attracted thousand of NDC’s supporters from the Asawase Constituency hijacked the Asawase Post Office street through to Twumasi junction to Manhyia round about to Aboabo station through to Asawase Pay all and climaxed the walk with speeches at the Aboabo post office.

Addressing the Party members, member of Parliament for the Tamale Central Muntala Mohammed commended the NDC delegates and members who campaigned and supported the reelection of Muntaka Mohammed Mubarak in incumbent MP for Asawase Constituency to lead the party into election 2024.

He said, ” You made no mistake by making the choice. Even though he is not holding any position in Parliament now, we the NDC majority in parliament still see him as a Leader we can trust any day. He groom us and we owe him that loyalty. So we are here to thank you for your support towards his election”.

Former Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu also urged the NDC supporters in the constituency to bury all their differences during the party’s internal primaries after the election of new leadership for the party to lead the constituency into election 2024.

In the 2020 election the opposition National Democratic Congress secured 652,962 representing 26.08% in the stronghold of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) which placed the region second leading region that gave the NDC majority of votes across the country.

Although, the ruling New Patriotic Party is working harder to close the NDC’s popularity in their stronghold the former minority leader Haruna Iddrisu disclosed that the party aim at securing over 1.5 million votes in the stronghold of the NPP to break the NPP’s monopoly in Ashanti region.

” I want to thank all NDC supporters in the Ashanti region. NDC past and present leadership is pleased with your unstoppable support to the great NDC in Ashanti. Awase in the heart of NDC in this region. The crowd I see here means you are already united before this meeting. What I’m expecting from you all is that let work hard until election of former President John Dramani Mahama and Muntaka Mohammed”

Disclosed ” going into election 2024 the NDC is targeting at least over 1.5millions votes in Ashanti region. This means the destructive elephant will run back into the bush for Ghanaians to gain by their economic freedom”.

The former Minority Whip, incumbent MP for Asawase commended his colleague MP’s for the support demonstrated to him. He assured the party he will work together with all the present and past leaders of the party in the constituency to ensure smooth victory for the party. For me I don’t have any problem against any person against any individual in my constituency. We went for a contest. I won, it’s my responsibility to promote unity in the party. Which we are doing now. Let’s forgive yourself all and work with unity for the collective good of the party” he pleaded.

Source: Ghana/ Bediako