Dear IGP,

I am writing this Open Letter to express my concerns about security matters in Ghana and to propose a unique approach to addressing the challenges we currently face.

Ghana has long been regarded as one of the most peaceful countries in the world. However, recent developments have shown that we cannot afford to be complacent.

According to the latest Global Peace Index published on June 28, 2023, Sierra Leone has overtaken Ghana as the most peaceful country in West Africa.

Additionally, Ghana has slipped from the second most peaceful country in Africa in the 2022 index to the 4th position this year.

These rankings serve as a wake-up call for us to take concrete measures in improving our civilian-security agency relations to prevent violent extremism.

Currently, it is disheartening to see that media houses do not dedicate ample time to discuss security issues in our country.

This lack of attention is not conducive to the well-being of our nation.

For example, the Nkawkaw-based Agoo FM has taken a commendable step by dedicating a specific time every Monday on its Morning Show to discuss security matters.

Imagine if this approach was adopted by other media platforms, each choosing a day or time to engage in these crucial discussions. By doing so, we can create a widespread and consistent dialogue about security issues in our society.

The prevailing norm in the media space is to discuss security matters only when there is an accident or incident related to the subject.

This reactive approach is inadequate and fails to address the underlying problems. We must be proactive in our discussions and tackle security concerns head-on, even when there are no immediate crises.

Consider the numerous instances of police officers being killed, armed robberies resulting in the loss of innocent lives, and fatal disputes among partners in relationships.

Additionally, there are frequent incidents of violence among students, attacks on teachers, clashes among youths during election periods, and many others. It is essential to recognize these issues and openly discuss them through the media to foster awareness and proactive solutions.

Another critical aspect that we tend to overlook until a specific incident occurs is the mental health of affected individuals. Rather than waiting for tragedies to happen, we should encourage and promote mental health support and counseling as preventive measures.

So please, I urge you, as the IGP, to consider this unique approach of utilizing the media to address security challenges in Ghana. By fostering open discussions and raising awareness, we can work together to ensure a safer and more peaceful nation for all citizens.

I hope that it is essential for you to collaborate with various media houses to effectively educate the general public on security matters. While I understand that media houses rely on the sales of airtime, I believe that managers will readily allocate time for this crucial agenda in the interest of our nation’s improvement.

I will use this opportunity to commend Kofi Wiafe Apenteng, my Business Manager at Agoo FM, for supporting this cause on the morning show when my team and I approached him.

However, I emphasize that the responsibility cannot solely rest on the media. I suggest that the Inspector General of Police consider my request and involve some of his personnel to join the presenters in educating the public.

In other words, creating a digital platform for media houses to share such informative content with their listeners and viewers would also be beneficial. Utilizing social media would be instrumental in supporting this initiative.

Furthermore, I take this opportunity to convey a message from the Queen Mother of Maamekrobo in the Kwahu Afram Plains South of the Eastern Region. During a discussion on Agoo FM’s security tit-bit, she praised you and your team for successfully reducing robbery cases in the area. However, there is more work to be done, dear IGP Dr. George Akufo Dampare.

I sincerely hope that my proposal for a unique approach to address security issues will be given due consideration. May God bless our beloved homeland, Ghana.”

• Ebenezer Kojo Nyavor (K-Lover)
• Works at Agoo FM, Nkawkaw
• YouTube: Kojo TV (
• Facebook: K-Lover Ebenezer Kojo Nyavor