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A 21-year-old galamseyer is on the run, after having sexual intercourse with his 13-year-old sister at Twifo Pewodie, a village near Twifo Praso in the Twifo Atimorkwa District of the Central Region.

Madam Esther Srentro, mother of the victim explained that on Friday October 20, 2023 while she was in town, she called her daughter (victim) in the house to prepare banku for the family. But when she returned she noticed that the girl was not walking well.

She enquired what was wrong with her then the victim told her mother that her brother who is a galamseyer (illegal miner) had defiled her.

The Victim whose name has been withheld told her mother that her 21-year-old brother “Alex Aleoto asked her to pick up his phone from his bedroom for him at the time there was no one in the house. Aleoto then rushed to the room, put a rug in her mouth, and defiled her.”

Blood oozed from her vagina but she was able to wash it in attempt to keep it secret but her inability to walk exposed her.

The Twifo Praso District Police Commander, DSP Charles Addae Boateng, confirmed that such a case is on their table and vowed do anything possible to arrest the suspect.

The victim has been admitted to Twifo Praso Polyclinic for treatment, while the Police to do mounts a search for the suspect who is on the run.

Source: Boagyan