A five-member panel of the Supreme Court presided over by Justice Paul Baffoe-Bonnie has struck out an application for Certiorari from the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) as withdrawn.

Lawyers of the OSP on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 withdrew the application for Certiorari which sought to quash a ruling of the High Court on October 11.

On October 11, 2023, Justice Edward Twum, presiding over the Financial and Economic Division 2 of the High Court in Accra granted a request from Cecilia Dapaah and her lawyers for abridgment of time for OSP’s motions originally fixed for October 18 to October 12.

On that day, OSP and its lawyers informed the court that, they had filed a motion seeking leave to file a supplementary affidavit upon receiving Cecilia Dapaah’s affidavit in opposition to its Originating motion for order for confirmation for Seizure and freeze.

Lawyers of Cecilia Dapaah had argued that, they do not opposed to that request to ensure expedited action but when it was granted, the OSP held the position that, what had been granted was unsigned and needed time to file.

Dissatisfied with that, they filed the motion at the Supreme Court for Certiorari and notified the High Court to stay proceedings.

A petition from the OSP to the Chief Justice to have the judge removed affected the hearing of the case until the CJ’s dismissed the petition.

Before the apex Court panel of five, lawyers of the OSP led by Adelaide Kobiri-Woode, withdrew the application after Justice Baffoe-Bonnie who chaired the panel indicated that, the court decides within the law, what to do.

Justice Baffoe-Bonnie further added that the courts take such decisions to expedite hearing.

The reaction of the president of the panel after the OSP had moved the application to quash the order of the High Court on October 11 led to it withdrawing the motion.

Source: Kasapafmonline.com/Murtala Inusah