The Coalition of NABCo Trainees has issued a one-month ultimatum to the government to pay its members all the 9 months outstanding arrears as it does not want to have any business with the Nana Addo/Bawumia led government again.

According to the coalition, in November 2021, it expressed its mistrust of the government renewed promise to transition graduating participants on the NABCo programme to the youstart programme’, which was captured in paragraph 247 page 61, number Xii of the 2022 budget statement read by the finance minister in the same month the NABCO contract ended.

It even further stated that the YouStart promise to NABCO trainees was just to create a public smokescreen of a good intention and blindfold the beneficiaries who were aggrieved by the NPP goyernment’s fractured failure and forfeiture of the earlier promise to transition NABCO participants to the mainstream works.

The group noted that its anticipation has become the reality as its ground sampling and enquiries prove that. so far, none of the NABCO beneficiaries who applied for the YouStart grants was called for the recent phase one of the grants disbursement.

In fact, this YouStart programme has been another fiscal machinery to pacify aggrieved NPP party foot soldiers vis-a-vis resourcing the tall list of apparatchiks, family and friends of NPP government appointees.

A statement signed by Frank Evans Quansah, National Secretary of the Coalition of NABCo Trainees  said “We have already lost trust in Nana Addo/Bawumia led government All we need now is 9months arrears fully settled as wedon’t want to have any business todo with this government again Withal, we want to caution NPP government to put an end to hailing and praising non-functional NABCO scheme which didn’t accomplish the rational of which n was created in its national budget every year as an achievement.”

“We are going to intercept any partisan utterances, any signages that will leverage on the failed NABCO scheme in an attempt to win votes in come 2024 general elections,” the stated added.
