Benito Owusu Bio

The Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel Abu Jinapor has appointed his former Deputy Minister, Benito Owusu Bio who was sacked by President Akufo-Addo as an Advisor to the Minister on Special Projects.

According to the Minister, his appointment of his former deputy stems from his vast knowledge in the area of Lands and Natural Resources.

”Considering your long service in the public sector, particularly in the area of lands and natural resources, and having regard to your expertise in the management of projects, I am confident that you will provide invaluable assistance to the Ministry in the dischage of its mandate,” a statement signed by the Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor said.

The statement, however, clarified that Hon. Benito Owusu Bio will not receive salary for his new role.

”Given that you are a Member of Parliament, you will not be entitled to additional remuneration for this role.”
