Prospective land buyers have been advised to do a thorough search of ownership at Lands Commission and relevant institutions on Lands they intend to buy before making any financial commitments.

Philip Agbozo, Chief Executive Officer of Philips Construction who gave the advice, said a search would help curb the increasing rate at which people fall at the allure of fraudsters and Land guards parading as genuine land owners.

In an interview with the renowned broadcaster, Akua Sonto on Accra FM’s midmorning show “Ayekoo Ayekoo”, Mr. Philip said that land buyers must also find out whether the land is a public land, customary land or private land to avoid litigation.

Touching on how to build, the CEO admonished the public to employ professionals when building for quality job to avoid any destruction in the nearby future.

Philip Construction is known over the years for putting up quality houses for institutions and individuals which comes with affordability.

He urged the youth to be determined and plan well even with the little they earn monthly or weekly as that can be used to build.