The Akim Kotoku Traditional Council has fervently appealed to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for the immediate removal of Raymond Nana Damptey from his position as the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Birim North District.

During a press conference held at the Kotoku Palace in Akyem Oda on Wednesday May 22, 2024, the chiefs and elders, dressed in red and black, voiced their grievances against Damptey, accusing him of gross disrespect towards the traditional authorities.

They asserted that Damptey’s behavior undermines their collaborative efforts with the government to develop the nation. The chiefs specifically criticized his attitude, stating that it has reached an intolerable level.

The council also leveled serious accusations against Damptey, alleging his involvement in illegal mining activities, commonly known as galamsey, within the Ntronang enclave and other parts of the Birim North District.

They presented photographic evidence of a galamsey site located conspicuously by the roadside in Ntronang, visible to travelers along the Ayirebi-Ntronang-Abirem road.

Nana Asiedu Akora, the chief of Ntronang, highlighted the environmental degradation caused by Damptey’s purported sponsorship of numerous laborers engaged in illegal mining. He lamented the significant damage to rivers and the broader environment, adding that Damptey has persistently ignored calls from both the traditional authorities and local residents to cease these harmful activities.

Krontihene Obrempong Gyamfi Saforokyere, speaking on Agoo FM on Friday 24th May 2024, recounted an instance where the Omanhene of the Akyim Kotoku Traditional Council, Oseadeeyo Dr. Frimpong Manso IV extended an invitation to Damptey for discussions at the palace, which he refused to attend.

The chiefs described Damptey as rude, disrespectful, and consistently unresponsive to both verbal and written invitations to engage with the council.

In a unified stance, the chiefs and elders of the Akyem Kotoku State have called for Damptey’s immediate dismissal. They warned of potential escalated actions against the government, should their demands not be promptly addressed.

When contacted to respond to the issue, Raymond Nana Damptey declined to speak on the matter as of May 24, 2024.

Source: Kojo Nyavor