The Running mate for the National Democratic Congress(NDC) Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang, has acknowledged that though the governing New Patriotic Party(NPP) successfully restored the Teacher Trainee allowances, its implementation was very poor and challenging.

According to the former Minister of Education, the joy that should have come with the restoration of Teacher Trainee allowance is absent because the government has failed to pay the allowance for several months, in some cases more than a year, causing discomfort to many students.

Addressing students at the GRASAG Presidential Policy Lecture at the University of Cape Coast with the Flagbearer of the National Democratic John Dramani Mahama in attendance, Prof. Naana Opoku Agyemang stressed that, NDC suspended the Teacher Trainee allowance to enable the government employ more Trainee teachers after completing school but the move was politicized by the NPP.

She added that, the NDC will cancel the Teacher Licensure Exam as it needless for a four year Teacher Trainee to write another exams after completion with a successful graduation.

Prof. Opoku Agyemang said this when done, will pave way for more Teacher Trainees to be employed to fill the vacancies in most schools across the Country.

National President of the Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) Emmanuel Owusu on his part endorsed John Dramani Mahama’s 24 hour Economy Policy as it will help provide jobs for the graduate students in the Country.

He appealed to the government to support university students with adequate accommodation facilities and teaching and learning materials to ensure effective academic work.

Source: Boagyan