The Chinese Speakers Association of Ghana (GAG), says it is readily available to provide professional translation and interpretation services to the Forestry Commission of Ghana in relation to cases involving Chinese national engaging in illegal mining locally known as galamsey.

According to the group, it is making this move after it sighted a news article which revealed that the Forestry Commission faces challenges in handling cases involving Chinese illegal nines due to the lack of translators and interpreters.

This situation, the report said often leads to the release of offenders, which hampers the enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Commission, the group said “We are committed to supporting the efforts of the Forestry Commission and can offer our services at an affordable fee to facilitate the legal processes.

“We believe that our collaboration will enhance the effectiveness of your operations and contribute significantly to the preservation of Ghana’s natural resources. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and support the critical work of the Forestry Commission.”

The Chinese Speakers Association of Ghana (GAG) is an organization dedicated to bridging the language gap between Chinese-speaking individuals, companies, investors, and local authorities in Ghana.

Established and registered in Ghana, GAG is a wide network of all African Professionals in Ghana who Speak Chinese as a second language. Our vision is to leverage the power of language in unity to change and transform lives in Africa.
