Third Accused person, Richard Jakpa has narrated how the Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame made it clear to him that he would be acquitted and discharged at submission of no case stage.

The Businessman said, per the engagement the AG had with him, it was clear that, the prosecution’s target was not him but Dr Ato Forson.

Under his final cross- examination from Lawyers of Dr Cassiel Ato Forson (first accused) led by Dr Abdul Basit Aziz Bamba, he said he provided the AG with many documents.

“During your interactions with the Hon. Attorney General, he made it clear to you that you would be acquitted and discharged at the submission of no case stage?,” Dr Bama, Counsel for Dr Forson asked.

In his response he said, “Yes my lady.”

Counsel said, “from your interactions with the Hon. Attorney General, it became clear to you, that you are not the target for this prosecution but A1(Ato Forson).”

Mr Jakpa in his response said, “Yes”

He added, “but the second meeting which was in July when he requested for the documents from me, he told me that everybody knows that his target is Al and as for me, I was just added so that it will not be like A1 (Ato Forson) is being witch-hunted but I said ‘you are causing me financial headaches and destroying my reputation’ and these charges had destroyed my reputation both international and local because I deal in international businesses and he said no problem and I should not worry and that at the submission of no case stage, I will be discharged and that was the discussion we had in 2022.”

Dr. Ato Forson, the current Minority Leader in parliament, and businessman Richard Jakpa have been accused of willfully causing financial loss to the republic to the tune of 2.37 million euros through the purchase of ambulances.

They have pleaded not guilty and are standing trial.

Source: Inusah