The Minority in Parliament has thrown is weight behind the ‘Hands off Our Hotel’ set to come off on Tuesday June 18, 2024. The demonstration will begin from the Labadi Beach Hotel to the seat of government, Jubilee House where the organizers will present their demand to the presidency. The sale of Social Security and National Insurance Trust’s (SSNIT) 60% interests in Rock City Hotel, Labadi Beach Hotel, Ride Royal Hotel, and Elmina Beach Resort is virtually complete. The Minority in a statement signed by Chief Whip, Governs Kwame Agbodza urged the public to join in the demonstration to stop the sale of the SSNIT hotels. The Minority insists that the decision to sell off the hotel is wrong. “We, therefore, want to use this opportunity to indicate the Minority’s strong opposition to the sale of these hotels to the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Bryan Acheampong, and urge the public to join Tuesday’s “Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration” to send a strong signal to the government that the people of Ghana take exception to this shady deal. Enough is enough!   “The attempt to sell off profitable state-owned hotels to Hon. Bryan Acheampong is wrong, unacceptable, and must not be condoned.” Attached below is the full statement by the Minority in Parliament