A member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and business mogul, Dr. William Atta Owusu, has denied media reports suggesting that he has resigned from the NDC.

Following a directive from the National Communication Bureau of the party, which called on media outlets across the country to refrain from including Dr. Atta Owusu as part of the NDC’s communication team for radio and TV programs, it was reported that Dr. Owusu had resigned from the party.

However, speaking in an exclusive interview with Ghone News’ Ashanti regional correspondent, Isaac Justice Bediako, the known party financier of the NDC in the Ashanti region explained that he remains a devoted member of the party.

He urged the public to disregard reports of his resignation, emphasizing that he is yet to receive a letter to that effect.

“I am a true NDC member. I contested for the Subin Constituency as a Parliamentary Candidate and lost. I have not resigned from the party. I remain a key member of the party in the region, and my vision is to see President Mahama declared President of Ghana in 2024.

However, I shall respect the party’s leadership and directives if indeed I have been asked to refrain from appearing on media platforms in the party’s name. But I can say with authority that I am yet to receive a formal letter communicating that directive to me.”


In a recently widely circulated video on social media, Dr. William Atta Owusu appeared on Kessben FM in Kumasi. While discussing the National Democratic Congress (NDC)’s ’24-hour economy’ policy proposal, he made certain claims and analogies that sparked widespread discussion and alleged confusion regarding the feasibility of the proposal.

Abass Nurudeen, the Ashanti Regional Communications Officer for the NDC, subsequently released a statement to clarify the situation.

Abass Nurudeen explained that the party financier was not a member of the NDC’s regional communications team and that media houses should refrain from engaging him to speak on behalf of the NDC on their networks.

Meanwhile, independent checks conducted by Kasapafmonline.com reveal that Dr. Atta Owusu has been privately financing the NDC in the Ashanti region over the years, including its communication bureau.

Our checks reveal that the current equipment used by the party at its Ashanti regional headquarters, valued at GHC 160,000, was procured and donated to the party as part of Dr. Atta Owusu’s commitment towards preparing the party for the 2024 elections.

Source: Kasapafmonline.com/Isaac Justice Bediako