Kasapafmonline.com can report that lots of accidents have in the past few days occurred in the Northern Regional capital of Tamale due to the intense harmattan in the area.

Our checks at the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Northern Regional Police Command reveal that the weather condition which causes huge fog and dust makes visibility very difficult for drivers and has left them crushing their vehicles into others, sometimes in a head-on collision.

The drivers are complaining of not being able to see the road markings to guide them, and the situation has been compounded by the lack of street lights on most of our highways.

Road transportation is not the only victim of the harsh harmattan condition; air transport is also having its fair share.

The situation has resulted in domestic flights to various parts of the country being halted temporarily due to bad weather.

The hazy atmosphere has made it very difficult for pilots to see their way clear.

Vice President, K. B. Amissah-Arthur, on Friday fell victim to the current weather condition.

He and his team were on Friday unable to join this year’s national Farmers Day celebration in Bolgatanga in Upper East Region, where he was expected to be the guest of honour.

The poor weather conditions made it impossible for the Ghana Air Force to airlift the number two gentleman of the land and his team to Tamale and subsequently to Bolgatanga for the ceremony as planned.

Kasapafmonline.com’s Northern Regional correspondent, Kizito Abagome reports that in the past four days the weather has been very unfriendly to the people of the North as they are the worst hit.

He said lots of Tamale residents have had to stay indoors for most part of the day, while several others are coughing due to dusty atmosphere.

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana