Frank Freebody Mensah, the Agona West NDC Youth Organizer in the Central Region, has extended his humanitarian gesture to a group calling itself “Beautiful Ladies,” by supporting skills training for selected youth in the constituency.

According to Mr. Mensah, this initiative will assist beneficiaries from various communities within the constituency who are engaged in vocational programs to acquire the necessary skills.

He emphasized that these skills would help alleviate the high level of unemployment in the area and the country at large.

In a significant commitment to community development and youth empowerment, Mr. Mensah took a proactive approach to support the youth of Upper Bobikuma.

As the patron of the ‘Beautiful Ladies,’ a non-partisan youth group in the area, Mr. Mensah spearheaded an initiative to provide skills training in various trades, vocations, and handicrafts to 10 enthusiastic members of the association.

On May 22, 2024, Mr. Mensah initiated the enrollment of 10 members of the ‘Beautiful Ladies Association’ into various vocational skills apprenticeships lasting three years. The beneficiaries were allowed to choose the skills they wished to learn, including fashion design, hairdressing, and more. Mr. Mensah personally facilitated their introduction to their chosen vocation masters and covered their apprenticeship fees to enable them to start their training.

The event was attended by the youths’ parents, esteemed party officials such as the Central Regional NDC organizer Chief Mike Dery, Deputy Secretary for Agona West NDC Mr. Kofi Dery, as well as Branch Youth Organizers and Ward Coordinators in Upper Bobikuma.

Looking beyond this entrepreneurial initiative, Mr. Mensah said, “I have pledged continued support to those who aspire to learn other vocations or require financial assistance to kickstart their entrepreneurial ventures.”

He added, “There will be an upcoming second phase of the program aiming to extend this support to a wider audience within the Beautiful Ladies youth group and the Agona West constituency at large.”

He stressed that the initiative not only demonstrates his dedication to youth development but also reflects the NDC’s commitment to fostering a skilled and empowered young population.

He further emphasized that by investing in the future of the youth, the NDC aims to make a positive impact on the community and contribute to the party’s vision of a prosperous nation.