Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, the founder and leader of the Movement for Change (M4C), has announced his intention to abolish the Council of State if elected president.

This announcement was made during the launch of the party’s manifesto, titled “The Great Transformational Plan” (GTP), on Monday, June 24.

The manifesto focuses on areas such as economy and governance.

In his speech, Kyerematen proposed replacing the Council of State with a new Second Chamber of Parliament.

This new body would include representatives from key stakeholder groups such as labor unions, faith-based organizations, traditional authorities, professional bodies, gender-based organizations, the private sector, and people with disabilities.

He emphasized that this new structure would create a truly representative and all-inclusive government, fostering national unity.

Kyerematen criticized the two major political parties in Ghana—the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC)—arguing that they have exhausted their competencies and capabilities after 32 years of governance.

He urged Ghanaians to move beyond these parties and support the Movement for Change, with which he intends to contest the 2024 Presidential election as an independent candidate.