Security Analyst, Adib Saani has cautioned against the adoption of the Kenyan Gen Z protest in Ghana.

The Kenyan protest on Tuesday resulted in the death of at least 23 people as the youth resisted the passage of the Finance Bill.

Subsequently, President of Kenya, William Ruto announced the rejection of the bill.

There have been growing calls for a similar protest in Ghana.

However, Adib Saani in an interview with Starr News said such calls are unnecessary though the situation in Ghana and Kenya are similar.

“The issues are cross-cutting, Kenya has issues with corruption which is very similar to what we have here in Ghana. The high indebtedness is very similar, chocking taxes including taxation on sanitary pads and essential commodities which is very similar to what we have here in Ghana. The Government of Kenya is using COVID-19 as an excuse which is similar to what we have in Ghana. So the issues cut-across, the similarities are there. But I don’t think we should encourage a Kenya-like protest in Ghana. Because in Kenya people died, we wouldn’t want people to die here in Ghana, Parliament was besieged and sections of it burnt, we wouldn’t want that to happen in Ghana. So for anyone to say the youth must come out to protest it’s okay but for a Kenyan-like protest, that is what I beg to differ.”
