Franklin Cudjoe, the Founding President of IMANI Africa, has warned the National Democratic Congress (NDC) against presuming they have already won the 2024 general elections.

He stressed the necessity for the NDC to submit specific and quantifiable strategies to reduce the country’s reliance on borrowing and prevent another IMF program by 2026.

Ghana is set for high-stakes Presidential and Parliamentary election come December 7 where a President and 275 Parliamentarians will be elected to govern the country.

The two leading parties, the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the main opposition NDC are on a campaign trail crisscrossing the country to sell their messages to Ghanaians.

In a Facebook post, Mr Cudjoe encouraged the NDC to better coordinate their claims of job creation and provide an estimate of how these activities will boost GDP.

He underlined the significance of presenting well-defined and achievable economic objectives in order to acquire voter trust.

“Meanwhile, the major opposition party, the NDC, should not assume 2024 is a done deal.  Some of us are  yet to see properly quantified interventions that will reduce our reliance on borrowing ,and crucially how we may avoid another IMF programme in 2026.”

“There is a need for the NDC to coordinate and relate the many promises of creating employment and ascertain by an estimated figure the qualitative addition to GDP.”

“IMANI  plans presenting brief analysis with the public and media based on objective assessments of how the plans of the major political parties shall impact the country regardless of how extreme the partisan debate develops over the next few days and weeks,” he said in the post.