The infestation of mysterious tiny insects in the Agona Amponsah farming community and its environs, in the Agona West Municipality of the Central Region, has tragically led to the demise of two individuals.

The incident has sparked fear and panic among residents, preventing people from visiting their farms for fear of being bitten or harmed by these insects.

Residents initially suspected that the mysterious insects might be mosquitoes responsible for transmitting Dengue fever. However, upon closer examination and assessment, it was determined that the cases were not similar to Dengue fever.

Reports indicate that the black flying tiny insects inject poison into the body upon biting, causing individuals to feel cold within seconds.

Some of the residents who spoke to Kasapa News’ Yaw Boagyan said they don’t actually know the source of these insects, but they only attack early in the morning and around 5:00 PM.

Concerned about the mysterious insects, residents have appealed to the Municipal Chief Executive of Agona West Municipality, Evans Onomah Coleman, to intervene immediately.

They are requesting that the municipality conduct a fumigation exercise in the community to curb the infestations.

Source: Boagya