A disturbing incident has been reported at Ghanata Senior High School in Dwodowa, where a student was stabbed in the boys’ dormitory.

According to sources within the school, a group of alleged ‘town boys’ from the surrounding community has been infiltrating the dormitory at night, persistently harassing and maltreating students over several weeks.

The perpetrators, reportedly gaining access through an unfenced section of the school’s perimeter, have left students with various degrees of injury. The motivations behind these attacks remain unclear.

School authorities were allegedly unaware of the situation until the latest incident, which has been reported to the police. One suspect has been arrested in connection with the stabbing.

The incident highlights concerns about student safety and security within the school.
Meanwhile, an investigation is expected to uncover the full extent of the situation and bring those responsible to justice

By: Akua Oteng Amponsah