Wednesday, September 18, 2024

‘Enough is Enough’ demo: Police deny shooting incident at Kumasi EC office

The Ghana Police Service has denied shooting at the Electoral Commission (EC) at Kumasi in the Ashanti region during the ‘Enough is ‘Enough demonstration on Tuesday.

“The Ghana Police Service wishes to state that there has been no shooting incident at the Kumasi office of the Electoral Commission and no demonstrator has been injured by the Police”, the police disclosed in a brief statement.

According to the Police, some demonstrators who went against the agreed arrangement by forcing their way into the compound of the EC office were restrained.

“We would like to take this opportunity to urge the media to be circumspect in their reportage”, the statement concluded.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) demonstration against the EC dubbed ‘Enough is Enough’ is happening concurrently in all sixteen regions in Ghana.

Source: Ghana/