BizzAfrica is a magazine focused on young African entrepreneurs.

The content of the magazine cuts across a myriad of areas, carefully selected to ensure that the overriding theme is all about entrepreneurship in Africa, and most importantly, the role that the young African is playing in this critical sector.

BizzAfrica enjoys monopoly in its area of specialization, as our research has proven to us that there isn’t a single publication in Ghana that is focused on young African entrepreneurs.

There exist several journals for entrepreneurs, and even African entrepreneurs for that matter; but one that solely focuses on start – ups, upcoming entrepreneurial ideas and entrepreneurs under the age of forty (40), even if it exists, is yet to gain the desired level of attention, and for that matter adequately expose people who are desirous of such publicity.

Editor – in – Chief of BizzAfrica, Michael N.A Hammond stated that even in the advent of new competition, BizzAfrica would continue to set new standards in the dissemination of entrepreneur-related news to its readers.

“BizzAfrica is for the young African entrepreneur. We are determined to create that opportunity for young Africans to show the world what they are capable of bringing to the table. Through our freely distributed hard copies and our website, we would make information that relate to these industrious people available to all.”

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