An expert reveals when women peak sexually.
Is it true that women reach their sexual peak in their 30s?
Answer: No, there isn’t a decade in a woman’s life where she reaches her sexual peak.
Sex research was conducted with more than 5,000 women and found that the majority hit their sexual stride during their mid-30s. As premarital sex was a no-no back then, by her mid-30s most women were been married with a few kids and therefore less sexually inhibited.
Today, women have multiple partners before marriage and are a lot more sexually confident.
Why sex can be great with each passing decade:
• Women’s hormones function their best in her 20s and she is thus at her most fertile.
• Women in their 30s have been around the sexual block a few times and have a better idea what works for her.
• Women in their 40s stop producing as much oxytocin—our nurturing hormone. It is believed that she isn’t as concerned with nurturing everyone else and is focused on her own needs.
• Women who have gone through menopause find their bodies and hormones have gone through a complete change. Couples who make the effort to adjust bedroom tactics usually attest to having better sex.
So whatever decade a woman is in, sex can be fun and fulfilling.