If he can look at his bank account, know that he built it and gain the affections from a girl, he’s set.

You could look at it in reverse. If a man is in a sex-starved marriage, he will bury himself in work in order to grow his net worth (soothing his injured ego) before the idea of cheating comes to mind.

Men are misunderstood when it comes to sex.

It’s not about the act of having an orgasm; it’s about giving her pleasure. Once you are in a long-term relationship, you begin to see that he’s not just out to get off. He needs to see that you’re enjoying it too.

Think about that last time you had sex versus made love (TOTALLY different experiences). He gets more out of it knowing that you’re enjoying yourself because of him. In that moment he’s a MAN — mighty and powerful!

So if your salary eclipses his, don’t panic. Instead, realize that your guy will need a little extra support from you to keep his self-esteem high.

Let him take the lead on important decisions from time to time and make sure he knows you find him sexy and value your intimate time together. It’s really as simple as that, and it will make all the difference.

Credit: Yourtango