The 21st century comes with several technologies and tools that make life easy and interesting for both individuals and organizations. From Laptops to tablets,many forms of devices have emerged that are user-friendly although a few complex ones are occasionally introduced.
In this day and age,who doesn’t have a smartphone?
A few years ago, smartphones were mainly seen as a thing for the youth. However,changing trends demand that even the old and so called “outmoded” individuals adapt to the usage of very sophisticated handsets. Many online business transactions are done using smartphones via the internet and several other cellular applications. Making phone calls, texting and surfing the web are very important but common activities that you can do with many cellphones now.Smartphones are great; they’re basically computers in our pockets loaded with features to make our lives easier. But do you know what your smartphone can really do?
Measures heartbeat,speed,height,weight etc. – Health is a very important aspect of human endeavour. Therefore,with businessmen and employees not having adequate time to go for medical check-ups,the role of apps that help us to do quick health checks cannot be overemphasized. Many apps that utilize the camera and flash of smartphones to check heart rate have been developed. Weight,height and speed are all measured now using various apps on our smartphones.
Remote operation of tv’s,cars,doors etc. – It is amazing to see how far the world has come. We have grown from the days when everything had to be done manually to the days when almost everything is automated or remotely controlled. Technology has made it possible for our smartphones to be synchronized with our cars,doors and tv’s. Now you can actually remotely open your home door,switch off your television or open your car booth by just a few clicks on your smartphone.
E-commerce – Online shopping and the exchange of goods and services online which is referred to as e-commerce has become an integral part of our lives. Day in – day out, people buy and sell several items and render countless services via the internet. This makes smartphones very vital tools as many people use various applications to either buy/sell items,book hotels,order for food etc. without even moving from the comfort of their homes.
Detailed maps and directions (GPS) – This is another wonder of the world which is very beneficial to various aspects of human life. The ability of smartphones (via the internet) to find the location of firms and organizations helps to do fast and efficient business. Also,when we want to attend events and other functions,the best way to locate unknown venues is usually by just typing the names of the places into various apps and maps to get an exact route from our current location to the place we want to go.
Entertainment – For the entertainment lovers, smartphones come in really handy. Many smartphones these days can instantly identify songs,their titles and the artistes who made them. Pictures of unknown celebrities and important world figures can also be identified by the use of certain applications on our phones. This is a very fun and interesting way to learn as well. When we are stressed out and tired of all the work,many games are available on our smartphones which gives us a great break to relax and rejuvenate.Popular smartphone games include zuma,candy crush and temple run.
Now let’s ask ourselves,what can’t smartphones do? Although many more technologies are emerging by the minute,it is quite obvious that there is a lot more we can do with our smartphones.Many people under-utilize the expensive smartphones which they purchase . The few who actually use more also underestimate the power of the device that they have. Major manufacturers like Apple and Samsung often come out with new models to match the ever improving technological trends. This has however created a platform for competitiveness between the two giants. Fortunately for everyone,it is the users who benefit the most.