A few years ago, I had an interview at a Law Firm Company in Wynberg, Cape Town. Travelling from Plumstead I thought it wouldn’t be so far, I thought I would take a bus during my one-hour lunch break and I’ll make it back in time to finish my day at work.

All dressed up, hair done, make-up on, looking all professional and feeling so confident. I got onto the Wynberg bus, got off at the bus terminus, as I thought the company was close by.

I walked and walked and walked and to my surprise it was further than I had anticipated. It was a very beautiful and hot day and during the trip my make-up was practically off and my hair was all wavy from the workout.

I was just so exhausted and I eventually found the place, and as I walked into the interview room, my high heel shoe broke, I slipped and fell flat on my face in front of the panel of interviewers. My CV and portfolio laid scattered all around me.

Not only was that my most embarrassing interview, but it might have been my worse day ever!

I’m 20 years old and I’ve never finished school and I have been looking for a job everywhere, just to try and see if I could make it.

I got an interview at Ackermans at two on a Monday afternoon, not knowing what to expect and not knowing what to say. I went into the interview room and there were three people: two ladies and a man.

So I go in there say, “Hello” and sit down, but before I knew it, I wanted to break out and cry, because I was so scared. They asked me so many questions and I just sat there frozen, and everything that came out my mouth was not work related.

This was my 1st interview ever, I sat there lost.

Then they said, “We will call you and let you know.” I knew I flopped up, but hoped I would get it.

She called and said that I was unsuccessful and later that day, I googled information about interviews. I read through and realised that I blew it up so badly. I didn’t do anything right at all, I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to tell anybody why I never got the job, I just told them that they never called me back.

