Pollster Ben Ephson is urging stakeholders to reject out rightly a proposal by the Electoral Commission regarding a review of the voters registration requirement.

Ephson on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.3 FM Wednesday chided the EC on the implementation of that proposal saying the new directive “is a bit dangerous” and will not be the best option to bet on ahead of the exercise.

The Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana has proposed accepting a Ghanaian Passport, a National Identification Card and a Driver’s License for its upcoming limited voter’s registration exercise scheduled for March, 2016.

In the absence of these requirements, an eligible Ghanaian voter would have to be certified by a native of the country whose name is already in the voter’s register.

That aside, two Ghanaians would further have to thumb print a Form One as witnesses to indicate that person is a Ghanaian.

Each voter has the chance of certifying a minimum of five persons.

A Birth Certificate and National Health Insurance Card which were previously part of the requirements have been omitted from the new requirement because they do not identify the person as a Ghanaian.

But Ephson stating his position told host Fiifi Banson that in the worst case scenario a birth certificate in this instance will be preferable.

According to him, the supposed measure “is too open ended”  that could create some setbacks in the process, impressing upon th EC to look at it again.