According to Reuters, a new University of Michigan study confirms what you’ve always suspected: you’re doing most of the work around the house. According to the study, wives save their husbands one hour of housework a week, while in return, husbands create a whopping seven extra hours for their wives.

Frank Stafford, who directed the study, says that there’s a “significant reallocation of labour” that happens once couples decide to shack up and put a ring on it.

And it probably goes without saying, but it gets even worse for women who have kids.

Researchers studied the participants’ diaries to assess how people spent their time, and questioned men and women about how much time they spent doing chores.

I suppose we can at least be happy that it’s not as bad as it was in 1976 when women did an average of 26 hours of housework per week, when their men clocked a mere six.

I wonder how many hours a week this Italian housewife was doing in comparison to her husband before he decided to sue her for being a bad housewife?

So next time, if your husband keeps saying he’ll “get around to it” when you ask him to do the dishes, put your foot down. Be sure to discuss how to divide your housework evenly, and then pour yourself a glass of wine.

