Deputy Majority Chief Whip, Ibrahim Ahmed says the majority caucus has done no wrong scolding the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ekow Spio Garbrah on his much criticized ban on the exportation of Cashew nut.

“Did we come to parliament to become a rubber stamp? he questioned insisting that issues must not always be raised from the minority side.

Members of Parliament say the ban on raw cashew exports in the country is illegal, and are mounting pressure on the Trade Ministry to immediately suspend it.

First Deputy Speaker, Ebo Barton-Odro, on the heels of the debate has directed the leadership of the House to convey the concerns of the MPs to the sector Minister, Ekow Spio-Garbrah and submit feedback to the House.

But the disapproval of the Ministry’s fiat by parliament, especially from the majority side many say is unconventional in Ghanaian politics.

The Banda lawmaker reacting to such views in an interview with Accra-based Citi FM said beyond the politics, the legislature must work to protect the interest of the people.

He said the debate sought to reverse the illegality which he claimed has affected badly the lives of over 1000 cashew nut farmers across the country.

Mr Ahmed said most of the farmers have been pre-financed from overseas hence the demand on them is non-negotiable. The ban, he said will pose a high risk in their businesses.