The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has dismissed a 25-year-old third year chemistry student who was recently convicted by a Kumasi Circuit court for robbery.

Nana Yaw Kennedy Abrokwa was last month sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for robbing a fellow student.

The Deputy Registrar, University Relations Officer, Vincent Ankamah Lomotey said per the rules governing the school, anybody who is sentenced by a competent court of jurisdiction has dragged the school’s name into disrepute, and hence must be expelled from the University.

“We do accept the court’s decision eventhough we’re sad about it; but he committed a criminal act and he’s been sentenced and so what can we do but to accept the court’s decision.

Abrokwa’s case was therefore not peculiar in this instance as his offence attracts same punishment as established by the school, Mr. Lomotey told Accra-based Citi FM in an interview.

“We have regulation that says that when you register and you don’t take the exams that means you have abandoned the programme and so you’re gone. We have same that also says that when you’re sentenced by a court of competent jurisdiction, you have brought the name of the university into disrepute.

“So on all counts, he cannot come back to the university again,” he explained.