This is how people judge your personality and determine who you are and who you might not be.

  1. Your handwriting

According to a study, the way someone writes and the size of their handwriting can tell you certain things about the person. According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company, it is revealed that persons with small handwriting tend to be shy, meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting.

Those who take things seriously put more pressure on the pen when they write, while light-handed writers typically tend to be empathetic and are more sensitive.

  1. Your color

According to an article on Psychology Today, the color you frequently turn to for clothes or are more akin to says a lot about who you are. People who frequently choose black are sensitive, artistic and attentive to details, while those who love red live life to the fullest and proactive in their endeavors.

People who love green are loyal and affectionate, while those who love white are organized and logical, and those who have blue as their favorite color are stable, sensitive and are considerate of others.

  1. Biting your nails

Certain body-focused repetitive behaviors can say a lot about your personality. How your body reacts to situations, whether by pulling your hair, biting your nails or picking at your skin could elicit impatience, frustration, boredom and dissatisfaction.

Take nail biting for example. According to a research, it is suggested that those who bite their nails tend to be perfectionists, while also tense and often nervous.

  1. Your shoes

According to psychologists, you can correctly judge a person just by looking at their shoes. According to the lead researcher Omri Gillath from the University of Kansas, just by examining the cost, style, color and condition of the shoe, you can be able to guess about 90% of the owner’s personal characteristic such as his or her income, political affiliation, gender, and even age.

  1. Your punctuality

How early or late you show up for an appointment or a meeting could form an impression, either negative or positive, about your personality. Being late for an important date means you are creating a negative impression about who you are, while being early for an appointment means you are considerate about other people’s time, and are both mentally organized and self-motivated. – Lifehack