The 2016 NPP parliamentary candidate for Subin Constituency in Kumasi, Eugene Boakye Antwi has said the ruling NDC party will have a field day to rig the upcoming 2016 election as it did in the last elections, if the Electoral Commission fails to validate the existing register to expunge the names of deceased persons from the roll.

“I was secretary to the electoral reforms committee of the NPP, and we’ve done an exhaustive research into election fraud. The dead persons on the roll have been uncovered as one of the mechanisms used by the NDC to manipulate votes in election. In close elections, like the 2012, what the ruling NDC normally does is to fall on those dead names and steal votes with it. If we allow the over 600,000 ghost names in the electoral roll to fester going into the November polls then we’re opening the chance for them to repeat electoral fraud.”

He claimed the EC will be doing a great disservice to itself and will make its work hectic, if the election management body decides to stick to the exhibition rather than validation of the register.

He said on his own volition he’d validated the document in his jurisdiction, and will pursue the EC to audit it to marry what he claimed to be having.

“I am moving from house to house, and I’ve almost completed this task. I have been able to audit 7 out of 9 electoral areas. In our work we’ve established that about 797 are out of the jurisdiction of Ghana, 810 are dead between 2012 and 2016, 6,536 cannot be identified, and 19 are insane.

“Ghanaians are vigilant this time and will not allow any electoral fraud to be perpetrated on them,” he said.

Meanwhile, the NDC says such an exercise is  a “fraudulent” validation of the national voters’ register meant to disenfranchise their legitimate voters.