The Chief of Osu in Accra, Nii Nortey Owoo III and King Makers of Osu have called on government to desist from conniving with fake chiefs in the area to stop selling their lands to businessmen.

According to them, they cannot not look on as there continuous to be wanton sale of Osu lands, hence called on such perpetrators to immediately desist from the act  or have themselves to blame.

Speaking at a Press conference in Accra, Nii Nortey Owoo further condemned the imposition of Nii Kinka Dowuona as a paramount chief of Osu.

“We have our chief and another has been installed for us; we are pursuing the case in court. We have said repeatedly that Nii Kinka Dowuona does not hail from Osu. He and the Osu Mankralo and others are holding Osu to ransom, they have no right speak on behalf of Osu.”

Osu Chiefs

Osu board