A group calling itself the Road Safety Advocates of Ghana and one other, Kwabena Osei have jointly filed an application against  the Metro Mass Transit Company and the Ministry of Transport over the branding of the Metro buses.

In a writ filed at the Human Rights court, the plaintiffs argued that the branding of the buses contravenes the Road Traffic Regulation praying the court to compel the respondents to remove the brands on the side glasses of the  buses.

It is the case of the plaintiffs that under the said law, commercial vehicles must have both side glasses clear enough to see the passengers.

However, in the case of the Metro Mass buses, both sides of the glasses have been covered by the branding which practically blocks viewing either by road users or passengers on board the buses.

The plaintiffs also claim that the branding is dangerous as it can also obstruct the driver’s view during a reverse of the vehicle.

The suit has been adjourned to July 12 to enable the Attorney General serve the  plaintiffs  with their Affidavit in opposition to the suit.