Organizers of the Ms. Ghana USA Beauty pageant has announced that due to tactical plan changes in motion, the event could not come off this year 2016 as earlier planned.

According to them, it’s their deep approbation to honor and choose Ms. Yayra Tamakloe (2015 1st Runner-Up) as the new face and ambassador of Ms. Ghana USA for the 2016 year.


The Ms. Ghana USA organization was founded in 2009 to promote young women of Ghanaian heritage to provide an avenue for achieving career goals and to carry out social and humanitarian initiatives.

For the past five years, Ms. Ghana USA has been able to successfully implement programming and humanitarian plans with the support of its queens, sponsors and contributors. The organization is currently on its 6th year and has continuously produced queens that truly represent what it means to embody Africa; Ghana specifically.

On July 25th 2015, a group of talented young women competed for the title and crown for Ms. Ghana USA’s 5th annual pageant with diverse platforms and ideals.

It was a tough call as only one winner could be crowned. The beautiful and intelligent Miss Ivy Akosua Preko, was named the 2015 Queen; and per her contract she was to hold that title for a span of one year while working on her platform for that entire year.

Miss Ivy Preko
Miss Ivy Akosua Amankwa Preko – Winner of Ms. Ghana USA 2015

In anyway needed, Yayra Ami Tamakloe, her runner up would assist with duties and other responsibilities.

Furthermore, as an annual pageant, one would expect the yearly event to take place this year; however due to tactical plan changes in motion, the event did not occur.

Nevertheless, the organization still has the responsibility to provide an ambassador for its ideals which include, but not in the least; philanthropy and female empowerment.

Therefore, as the organization being culpable, it’s our deep approbation to honor and choose Ms. Yayra Tamakloe (2015 1st Runner-Up) as the new face and ambassador of Ms. Ghana USA for the 2016 year.

Ms. Ghana USA

Ms. Tamakloe, is set to pursue her platform regarding effortless access and availability of First Aid & CPR certification in Ghana. She believes these are skills that are crucial and essential that at least every person should have – thus choosing it as her philosophy on making CPR and First Aid training an intricate part of the lives of Ghanaians.

She plans on achieving this by working closely with local healthcare organizations both in Ghana and in the USA. Additionally, reaching out to the Red-Cross Society as it is with no doubt that they have played tremendous roles in the saving of lives all around the world; since having the CPR/First Aid skill might be the crucial difference between life and death.

We as the Ms. Ghana USA Pageant Organization deem it a great will to serve and portray the positivity of the organization as well as the queens, contestants and volunteers who have in one way or another participated or contributed to the pageant.

Therefore, as we present the 2016 ambassador, we urge all to join in one-accord to support the new Ms. Ghana USA 2016 Ambassador as she embarks on this journey to make this dream attainable in making a difference and impacting the Ghanaian society.