The Public Utility Workers Union (PUWU) has directed workers of the Electricity Company of Ghana to withdraw services in a two-day sit down strike until government backs down on its concession plan.

The ECG workers union at a just ended crunch meeting resolved to have a sit down strike from morning to evening in which workers have been directed to wear red bands to further press home their displeasure over the attempt by the government to privatise the utility company.

“All staff across ECG operational areas are to report to work but no official duties will be carried out today 2nd September, 2016 and Monday 5th September 2016.

“All staff are to wear red attire to work on Monday. All the above actions are in protest of MIDA’s gross disrespect, lack of transparency and lack of trust. All members are to take note and comply,” the circular added.

It however, directed ECG staff to attend to “critical areas like hospital theaters as well as security installations…should a fault occur.”

Workers of the ECG who are members of PUWU last week demonstrated against the concessionary agreement which will cede the management of the state-power distributor to a private company.

PUWU, wants a review of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact which they claimed has the roadmap for massive lay-offs.

The exercise saw an intense three hour strike in all ECG offices across the country.