The election of the Presiding Member for the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly(KMA) could not go without a dust-up again as the Assembly’s fifth voting Tuesday was marred by yet another confusion.

Tuesday’s polls also failed to produce two thirds majority of the votes as required by law.

After voting, 65 assembly members voted NO against Kofi Senya while 62 people voted YES.

Adumhene Nana Baffour Adjei Kesse had stepped down to allow Senya contest for the Presiding Member slot unopposed Tuesday but failed to get the nod.

The Confusion

The blows started flying after Yakubu Tony Aidoo a known serial caller of the governing National Democratic Congress  was allegedly attacked by Ayigya Electoral Area member, Abdullah Muaza when he rained insults on him and others for deliberately dragging the elections.

Muaza punched Tony Aidoo in the face several times before they could be separated in the heat up.

Meanwhile it’s unclear if another election will be considered for another time.