The dream of every man is to have manhood admirable and praised by all. And everyman knows that exercises and healthy eating habits can’t bring that dream into reality.

Every woman’s dream is to eat as much as she wants and still stay in shape. So to skip the extreme and time consuming workouts they opt for the ‘shortcuts’ to achieve their goal without sweat.

The average size of a penis should be 5-6 inches; men who fall in this range are still capable of pleasuring their women very well, but however some men unfortunately fall between 4-5 inches, which could be classified as the least group of sizes. However, some men are fortunate enough to fall above the stated average size (5-6 inches).

It has been estimated that about 60% of men sought after penile enlargement creams, pills, and candies or even go the extra mile to go under surgical procedures to increase the size of their penis. It is alleged that, there are more natural ways to increase the penis by taking in concoctions made from herbs and barks.

Some of the men who patronize these penis enlargement products testify that it really works and that the results were visible after a few weeks of usage and have since been getting praises from the ladies they have sexual intercourse with. They also added that it has magically affected their self esteem positively because they now feel like “real men.”

However, some others do not support the use of penile enlargement products.

Enough of the male talk, ladies, if you want a banging body like the latest ‘hottie’ in town, Teyana Taylor, then you better work that body out real hard.

It is sad but true, but most of the ladies now go for the easy way out. They now go in for lip injections to thicken their lips and make it fuller and more ‘African’. There are butts and hips enlargement creams and surgical procedures, breast firming creams, vagina tightening creams, cosmetic surgeries for a pointed nose, face lifts and worst of them all; fake butt pads.

One would ask, why would anyone want to go through this kind of hell? To attract the opposite sex? For money? Confidence booster? What reason is tangible enough to compel any lady to go under the knife? As Kwame bee would say “it’s a breach of sanity.”

I managed to sample the opinions of some ladies and here is what they had to say:

Leticia ‘tish’ Ohene Asiedu- Kasapa Business Desk

“why would you do that in the first place if you had no intention in mind? It would only be worth it if it’s going to fetch you any form of revenue then that would be understandable. Let me give you an instance, say you are a model and that is what you depend solely on, then it is okay to go under the knife to enhance your appearance to fetch you more gigs which can be equated to more revenue.

I’ll advise my ladies out there to do it if they have to but not for the purpose of pleasing men or any reason whatsoever.”

Francisca Emefa Enchill – journalist

“I would never advise any lady or better still, any human to alter any part of his or her body for any reason be it tangible or intangible. God had a reason to have created us in the way he did and we have no right to go under the knife to make changes to our bodies. If you want a nicer figure, just hit the gym, do some squats, sit ups, drink lots of water, do some weight lifting and all other forms of work outs which can still keep your body in shape without necessarily going under the knife. There is no human being with a complete head-to-toe ugly appearance; everyone surely has a part of the body which stands out in beauty. And all you have to do is to flaunt it and allow that part to gain all the public focus. For instance, if you have an ugly face but beautiful legs, wear the types of clothes which will flatter your legs, throw in some catwalks and you’re good to go. Throw some highlights on the best parts of your body. I’ll advise all women to be proud of  every little thing they have and make good use out of it for people them to be accepted the way they are.”

Vanessa ‘Sullivan’ Gyan – Radio/TV presenter EIB Network

“To be honest, each to his own. If that’s what makes a person feel happy then who am I to judge who has opted to go under the knife? That should never be the first option if you’re unhappy about your figure but as said, I will never judge someone for choosing that route.

I conducted another survey at Kasapa fm where I assembled the top male presenters to find out their opinion on the use of these products.

Tony Adam Agyei- sports department

“I don’t need an artificial increment in my manhood to be able to satisfy a woman because I have all it takes to satisfy my woman. To me, taking these drugs or even undergoing surgery to achieve this goal is a huge risk and could possibly lead to further future damages or perhaps decrease the manhood drastically than its original size after a period of time.”

IBK – Programs

“Satisfying a woman is not about size but basic tactics before sex. Would I increase the size of my manhood? No, I wouldn’t take such a risk in the name of being desirable. So I would say artificial penile enlargement isn’t worth the risk because fake things have very bad side effects.”

Michael Asirifi – Newsroom

“Women indirectly coerce men to go in for these artificial enlargement procedures and these men in the quest to satisfy these women take upon themselves a life and death situation. In my opinion, Artificial Penile enlargement is a huge risk and honestly not worth the try.”

Gideon Okyere “Gatuso” Anim – Sports/Programs

“I don’t know why some men risk their lives in the quest to satisfy women. Excuse me to say, men who do these things generally lack common sense. They are the same men who criticize women who go for butt implants and breast enlargements so in short it is definitely not something I would do.”

Well… very interesting, in my opinion as a woman, I would not advise my man or any other man for that matter to undergo a surgery, take drugs or apply creams in the quest of having a bigger manhood, knowing perfectly well the limited pros and extremely large number of cons in having an artificially enlarged penis.

If your female partner complains that you’re too small then honey it means she was and still exploring other sizes out there because  no matter how small a man is, with his first girlfriend or wife; the woman would be used to his penis only since it’s the only thing she has tried and tested.

Ladies, let us learn to love our natural and real selves without having to change our looks for no reason whatsoever. The only way to have others appreciate and love you for you is only when you begin to embrace who you are.

Keep it real and be beautiful.

But what do you think? What would ever compel you to go under the knife to make alterations to your body?

Join the train and make your suggestions known.

Share with me.

Facebook: Nana Yaa Asabea

Instagram: @naya_233
