A Former Attorney General, Mr. Martin Amidu says it is dangerous not to keep an eye on the Electoral Commission’s (EC) Chairperson, Charlotte Osei with barely a month to go for the elections because the latter has some rigging agenda.

Mr. Martin Amidu said the deeds of the EC’s Boss, especially in this last days of election 2016 contains just enough truth to raise the specter of unrest, violence, and a destabilized democracy.

The former AG’s comment comes after the decision to disqualify the Progressive People’s Party Presidential candidate, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom and 12 other presidential candidates as a deliberate attempt to rig the election in favour of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The EC disqualified some 13 presidential candidates, including Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom of the Progressive People’s Party, Edward Mahama of the People’s National Convention and Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings of the National Democratic Party (NDP)  among others, after it identified some mistakes on their nomination forms.

An Accra High Court Friday ordered the EC to allow him to amend the errors on his forms and resubmit them for consideration by the EC.

But the EC subsequently said on Monday that it has initiated processes at the Supreme Court to quash last Friday’s High Court judgment on the disqualification of Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom.

Commenting on the development in his latest write up, Martin Amidu said the EC cannot profess to be superintending a free,  fair and transparent elections when it had decided to bring a candidate on the ballot paper at dying minutes of elections.

“there can be no free, transparent and fair elections when any of the disqualified aspiring candidates and any political party sponsoring them have their names added to the ballot more than three weeks belatedly, because the Commissioner’s preferred and approved candidates would have had an unequal advantage over them in the contest for the Presidency.”

“Nobody can convince such candidates, their political parties, and supporters and the objective observer that they had a level playing field for the 7th December 2016 elections within the letter and spirit of the constitution.  The Commissioner has effectively rigged the election from day one against them.I have already said elsewhere that this Commissioner was appointed with a rigging agenda. Let us as citizens defend the Constitution by watching her every step during this election,” Martin Amidu added in his statement.