At best, wedding costs could be described as “eye-watering.” At worst, you’re looking roughly at the price of your own tropical island.

With this in mind, it’s not only unsurprising, but also somewhat the norm for couples to save pennies wherever possible .

But, it seems, there’s definitely a limit as to what can be classed as acceptable economic measures.

For example; financially penalising someone who, for reasons out of their control, at the last minute was unable to attend might raise some eyebrows.

Or simply anger the guest who’s had to cancel.

Jessica Baker

The mum of two was getting ready for her friend’s wedding, writes Netmums , when her mum called to say she could no longer look after her grandkids.

The bride and groom had stipulated no children were allowed to attend – hence the need for a babysitter.

Unfortunately, this meant Jessica and her husband could no longer attend.

That might have been the end of that.

In a conversation with Netmums user Kare11, she said, “It listed, we would have had two herb crusted walleye (fish) and there was also a service charge and tax.

“This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVP’d for – reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated.”

Unsurprisingly, Jessica explained she wasn’t sure what the correct reply was, and has stated she will not be paying for the meals.

While the note has been deemed as a bit much, it was also pointed out on social media to Jessica that she might have given the couples a heads up, however last minute.

Jacqueline agreed, “The note is rude,” however she also added, “but also so is not showing up without an explanation.”

“They owed the bride and groom a call, email or text explaining the problem with their apologies for any last minute inconvenience/expense.”

But Jessica did also have her supporters.

Brittany backed her up, saying, “That is horribly rude and no, they shouldn’t have to pay.

“The bride and groom should realise things come up and babysitters cancel.”