A deal on limiting Iran’s nuclear programme in return for the lifting of sanctions has been reached at talks in Vienna, diplomats say.

Under the agreement, access for nuclear inspectors monitoring Iran’s programme would reportedly not be automatic.

The EU announced a “final plenary” meeting at 08:30 GMT, followed by a news conference.

Six world powers including the US, Russia and the UK have been negotiating with Iran for several years.

The so-called P5+1 – the US, UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany – want Iran to scale back its sensitive nuclear activities to ensure that it cannot build a nuclear weapon.

Iran, which wants crippling international sanctions lifted, has always insisted that its nuclear work is peaceful.

A diplomat quoted by the Associated Press said the deal included a compromise over the inspection of sites within Iran. It would allow UN inspectors to monitor military sites, but Iran could challenge requests for access, the diplomat said.

Iran has accepted that sanctions could be restored in 65 days if it violates the deal, Reuters cited diplomats as saying. It reported that a UN arms embargo would stay in place for five years, and that UN missile sanctions would remain for eight years.

Reuters also cited two unnamed Iranian diplomats early on Tuesday as saying a deal had been reached.

“All the hard work has paid off and we sealed a deal. God bless our people,” it quoted one of the diplomats as saying.

Credit: BBC.com