Beyond the normal disputes most couples have, one anonymous young woman considered herself to be in a very happy relationship.

She had met her “amazing” fiancé (who she refers to as Jaime) two years ago and the chemistry had been instant.

However, a recent revelation which came to light while writing their wedding invites has left her reeling.

Now, with six weeks to go to the wedding, the Redditor turned to the online community for help – and the outcome has not been pleasant.

Describing Jaime as her “soulmate”, the lady explained how both of their families are small. She was raised by a single mother with little contact with her father.

Jaime’s family, on the other hand are “the complete opposite” – very close-knit, and his sister has since become a dear friend.

“I always thought they were perfect,” the lady continued.

“So it came as a shock to me while working on wedding invitations my future mother-in-law mentioned that my fiancé’s dad is actually his stepdad.

“I asked to see a picture of his real dad and I nearly passed out when my mother-in-law showed my a picture of my dad.”

Somehow, the woman managed to not react, and instead waited till she got home to confront Jaime.

“I was crying. I was screaming. He just sat there, fidgeting.”

But the worst was yet to come.

“Eventually, he admitted that he’s known for a year but didn’t want to lose me. Since we always planned to be child-free, he didn’t see the problem with just keeping it from me.”

Now, in the aftermath, the woman says she feels both betrayed and disgusted. It should be as straightforward as breaking things off, but for her, it is a little more complex.

“I don’t know what to do,” she adds. “I’ve invested so much money into this wedding and much of it is non-refundable. On top of that, I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to my family and friends.

“Worse yet, I love him. I know we can’t be together; but until yesterday, I thought we’d grow old together.”

The general consensus was that the marriage could not go ahead.

“Six weeks is not long enough to work out how the hell to cope with this,” replied mazaru. “If you rush into a marriage now – with all the lying and potential illegality attached – you are setting yourself up for a way, way bigger problem.

“Call it off, get what refunds you can, find a very good therapist, and give yourself the time you need to work out what happens next.”

What happened next was the couple decided to tell Jaime’s parents – and it has resulted in further heartache.

“It went horribly. They disowned him and cut him off; which is a huge problem since they were paying for a portion of our apartment.

“The way they reacted was just a taste of how we feel others will respond, so we’ve decided to break up. However, before we cancel our wedding plans outright, we are going to speak to our father and take a DNA test.”

Whether that means there’s a glimmer of hope or not remains to be seen.