Ghana will be invaded by terrorists within the next two years barring any intervention by God to save the situation.

Churches, Shopping malls, Mosques, Schools and other public gathering areas will be the target of  attack by gunmen to shed innocent bloods.

This  was revealed through a prophecy by Prophet Albert Asihene Arjarquah of the Central Assembly of the Assemblies of God Church on the 31st December all night service.

Prophet Arjarquah explained that, the incident will occur between 2017 and 2018 which would create insecurity and heighten political tension in the country.

He said, even though intercessory prayers are being held for God’s intervention, it’s prudent for government to tighten security across the country in particular the borders of the country and public places to avert and  mitigate the impact of the attacks.

Security Experts have analyzed that, Ghana is also prone to terrorists attacks despite lack of explicit evidence of threats, the attacks in neighboring countries such as  Bukina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou, which happened just two months after a similar attack in Mali’s capital, Bamako last year, put Ghana at risk of terrorist attack.

According to Prophet Arjarquah, also founder of Prophet Albert Asihene Arjarquah Ministry (PAAM), even though Ghana is on the verge of experiencing economic breakthrough this year which will improve the living standards of most Ghanaians, the gunmen attacks would erode the gains and create insecurity in the country which would create political leadership crises .

The Man of God also revealed a heartbreaking Prophecy about the President elect, Nana Akufo Addo, but says that should be blackout by the media and instead a proper channel be used to communicate to him.

Prophet Arjarquah, even though always reluctant to be in the media, he granted interview to Kasapa News Eastern Regional Correspondent, Kojo Ansah, to emphasize the terrorist attack revelation in order for Security to be tightened up.

He said ,” this is not for fame neither to create fear and panic, this is what God has revealed about Ghana and we must act from now ”

The Prophet well trusted for his prophecies and miracles over the years, attracts several people across the country including top politicians, footballers, media practitioners and businessmen whom mostly attend his programs.