Proud parents Brandon and Holly Shay show off twins Everett and Sawyer.

Twin brothers Everett and Sawyer Shay will have an amazing story to tell for years to come regarding their New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day birthday.

Sawyer was born 11 minutes before his brother, while it was still 2016, and his younger brother was born just one minute after 2017 was officially ushered in.

Little Everett was the first Arizona baby born in 2017 at the Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Glendale, Ariz. His big brother couldn’t wait, so his birth record will read Dec. 31, 2016, and Everett’s will read Jan. 1, 2017, although they’re still technically twins.

The proud parents, Holly and Brandon Shay of Glendale, said labor began on New Year’s Eve around 5:30 p.m. local time.

According to mom Holly, bringing her babies into the world was “perfect,” and beaming dad Brandon says that Everett was just being “stubborn” in delaying his arrival, according to an interview the family gave to the Arizona Republic.

Everett and Sawyer are fraternal twins, not identical. Everett has a little length on his brother, but Sawyer is the heavier of the two. The brother have two big sisters who are 13 and 4, and Brandon said their arrival provides a welcome boost of testosterone to the home.

Congratulations and Happy New Year to the Shays!

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