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In the wake of a painful break-up, there are a few different ways a person may choose to respond.

One of them, of course, is to be philosophical about why the relationship ended . No knee-jerk public declarations of hatred, just thoughtful introspection.

You know the sort of thing; “We loved each other once, it just didn’t work out, I wish them well” etc.

This, however, is not for everyone. Often, things are little more complicated.

One man and ex-husband recently made headlines when he chose to celebrate his divorce in a bold fashion.

45 year-old Paul Crowther split up from his wife of six years, Rebecca, just over two years ago, and their divorce settlement has recently been finalised.

To effectively celebrate this, a mate of Paul’s prepared a huge banner for him with some choice wording.

“Ding dong the b**** has gone”

It’s taken pride of place outside of his house – and he apparently has no intention of taking it down.

Paul Crowther

He told MailOnline , “It was a friend of mine who put up the sign because he knows what I’ve gone through these last few years.

“I am going to keep it up now until it blows away.”

As for Rebecca?

Paul’s ex-wife noticed the sign after a photo of it was posted across social media.

When also asked for comment by the site, Paul’s ex-wife had a different approach, saying: “I left my husband on the 5 July 2014 and initiated the divorce because I was no longer happy in the relationship.

“The divorce settlement has been finalised and I want to move forward with my life.

“I hope one day Paul can move on and feel less bitter.”